Signposting & Information
We work closely with a wide range of professional health and social care services, Lancashire County Council, charities, and community groups to provide help for local carers to access the support, advice and training they need to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
We know that being a carer can be both rewarding and isolating, impacting on your day-to-day life significantly. People don’t always see themselves as carers and can miss out on vital information and support to help them in their caring role. That’s where we come in.
The Carers Count Lancashire team provides high-quality, person-centred advocacy, ensuring that your rights as a carer are supported. Sometimes this includes signposting you to other healthcare, financial or professional organisations.
Whatever your caring situation, you can expect:
- a single point of contact
- to be listened to and be taken seriously
- to be treated with respect
- to be supported in a way that meets your individual needs
Carers Count Resources
About Carers Count Service
Carers Count Lancashire leaflet
Useful links

Need more info? Leave your details and we’ll get back in touch.
Need more info? Leave your details and we’ll get back in touch.
Information / Resources (downloads & links)
Carer health and wellbeing
We know that being a carer can be both rewarding and isolating. It’s vital that you know where to get the right support to make sure that your own health and wellbeing doesn’t suffer in your caring role.
Below you’ll find some useful links to help you access support, groups, courses, and wellbeing sessions to help give you that bit of headspace. Looking after your own health and wellbeing is important for you and the person you care for.
Carers Count Resources:
Peer Support and Drop-ins
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council Adult Social Care
- Lancashire County Council SEND local offer
- Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space
- Approved mental health professional service
- Lancashire Shared Lives service
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Lancashire Carers (n-compass)
- Healthwatch Lancashire
- Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
- Blackburn with Darwen Carer Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services:

We recognise that caring for a loved one, family member or friend with dementia can bring its own set of unique challenges. We understand that the support you need changes over time and can often be hard to predict.
They are many services and support networks available across Lancashire and further afield to support you as a carer and the person you are caring for.
We’ve pulled together the following useful links and resources to help signpost you to services that can help you in your caring role.
Carers Count Resources:
Signposting & Information
Peer support and drop-in sessions
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Lancashire Carers Service (n-compass)
- Beacon Dementia and Wellbeing Rossendale
- Garstang Luncheon Club
- Elswick Luncheon Club
- Age UK Lancashire Dementia Services
- NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Dementia Services
- East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Dementia Care
- Lancashire Dementia training and coaching
- Dementia support groups in your area
- Healthwatch Lancashire
- Blackburn with Darwen Carer Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services:

Digital and technology
As we move further into the digital world, staying connected and being able to access services online are becoming vital tools in your caring role. We understand that many carers can feel overwhelmed online. Not knowing where to go or how to use new technologies can often be a barrier to carers accessing the support they need.
There are services out there that can offer help and assistance to get you online. From training and support, to funding for new equipment such as tablets, laptops and even smartphones. We’ve pulled together the following list of resources that provide digital support to carers.
Other local services:
Carers Link Lancashire
Lancashire Carers (n-compass)
Healthwatch Lancashire
Blackburn with Darwen Carer Service (Carers Trust)
Blackpool Carers
Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services:
- Carers UK online tools to help with caring
- The Family Fund – support to use technology
- How to join a Zoom meeting – video
- How to join a Zoom meeting – Easy Read
- Age UK – IT training
- Mobilise – digital skills for carers
- Carers UK video – everday technology to help carers
- Carers UK – technology and equipment for the home
- Independence at home – grants for independent living
- Living Made Easy – impartial advice and information on solutions, gadgets, adaptations, and aids to make life easier
- NHS – websites you can access with your NHS login
- Alzheimer’s Society – how technology can help
- Ability Net – free tech support and information for disabled people

Grief and bereavement
Losing someone that we care for affects everyone differently. We understand that during such a difficult time you may need help to manage both the emotional and practical demands that come with that loss.
We can assist you with any Advocacy needs that you may have during this period and welcome you to our peer support groups with other carers.
We have also listed other services below that may be able to offer additional support to help you manage your grief on your bereavement journey.
Carers Count Resources:
Peer Support and drop-in sessions
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council
- East Lancashire Hospice
- Lancashire Bereavement Services
- St Catherine’s Hospice
- St John’s Hospice
- Springhill Hospice
- Pendleside Hospice
- LSC Hospices Together
- Wigan and Leigh Hospice
- Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care
- Derian House Children’s Hospice
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Lancashire Carers (n-compass)
- Healthwatch Lancashire
- Blackburn with Darwen Carer Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services:

Learning disabilities and neurodivergent
We understand it can be difficult to find the right support when you are caring for a loved one with learning disabilities and/or a neurological condition such as Autism, ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions. We are here to help lighten the load by providing practical guidance and advice on how to access services.
Our Advocates can help support you with issue-based advocacy when you are dealing with health professionals. If our team can’t help with your specific requirements, we will signpost you to the service that best suits your needs.
Below we’ve listed links to services and resources that may be useful.
Carers Count Resources:
Signposting & Information
Peer Support and Drop-ins
See also our Parent Carers resources
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council
- Lancashire Autism Peer and Self Advocacy service
- NHS Community Learning Disability Service
- Lancashire Mental Health Partnership
- Lancashire Adult Mental Health Services
- Hft Lancashire
- Mencap Lancashire
- Lancashire Safeguarding Adults board
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Lancashire Carers (n-compass)
- Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
- Healthwatch Lancashire
Useful links to national services:

Mental health and
drug and alcohol dependencies
Caring for a friend, family member or loved one with mental health needs, drug and alcohol dependencies, or dementia brings many unique challenges. Our peer support groups can provide a safe environment for you to share your experiences with other carers and our Advocates are on hand to help you with specific issue-based needs around your caring role.
There are many other services across Lancashire and the UK that can provide additional support. We’ve pulled together a helpful resource with links below.
Carers Count Resources:
Peer Support and Drop-ins
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council
- Lancashire Mental Health Partnership
- Alcohol and Drug rehabilitation services in Lancashire
- Lancashire Mental Health Services map
- Adult Mental Health Social Care Service
- Lancashire Mind
- Red Rose Recovery
- Inspire Lancashire
- The Well
- Eata Recovery Services
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Lancashire Carers (n-compass)
- Healthwatch Lancashire
- Blackburn with Darwen Carer Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services:

Parent carers of SEND children
If you are caring for a child aged 0-25 with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) you are entitled to support as a parent carer. We can help you by providing issue-based Advocacy support to ensure that your rights are upheld and that your voice is heard when dealing with health professionals.
Below you will find links to useful information and other services that may also be able to offer you additional support in your caring role.
Carers Count Resources:
Signposting & Information
Peer Support and Drop-ins
Learning disability and neurodivergent resources
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council SEND local offer
- Lancashire SEND Partnership directory
- Lancashire SENDIAS
- Lancashire CAMHS – Children and Young People’s Psychological Services
- Lancashire Parent Carer Forum
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Lancashire Carers (n-compass)
- Healthwatch Lancashire
- Blackburn with Darwen Carers Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services:

Working carers
Carers UK put the number of working carers in the UK at around 5 million. That’s a staggering 1 in 7 employees who are juggling work around their caring role.
Awareness of the challenges faced by working carers is growing and whilst it’s good to know that you’re not alone, we also want to make sure that you know your rights as a working carer.
Whether you need help to understand your rights to request flexible working or what time off you are entitled to for your caring duties, our Advocates can provide guidance. If we can’t support you ourselves, we can help you to access the right services that can.
Below, you will find some additional links and resources:
Carers Count Resources:
Peer Support and drop-ins
Other local services:
- Lancashire County Council
- Lancashire Carers Service (n-compass)
- Carers Link Lancashire
- Barnardo’s Lancashire Young Carers
- Healthwatch Lancashire
- Blackburn with Darwen Carer Service (Carers Trust)
- Blackpool Carers
- Manchester Carers Centre
Useful links to national services: